Tuesday, January 28, 2014

In God we still trust!!!

What a happy little package to have received in the mail! It was from Sew Fine Treasures at 22561 Briarhill Drive, Goshen, IN 46528-8411. (Can be found on ebay.)

I knew what was on the inside of the package, and was pretty sure I'd love it...but it was the outside of the package that had me glowing! Read it...

In God we still trust! Really? Someone in America is going to boast about trusting God? 
Barbara did and she made my day! Everyone talks about, and sends e-mail about how we need to put God back in control of our country. Do we? Do we even hazard a "God bless you" when someone sneezes, or do we simply say, "bless you"? 

Here's the other nice thing about this particular package...while it was intended for me, how many postal workers did it come in contact with and ultimately bless their day? There are a lot of stops from Goshen, Indiana, to Valentine, Nebraska. I'd guess many were blessed by her simple declaration, "In God we still trust." 

I also show the invoice that was enclosed with my purchase - Cicely Mary Barker ABC Fairy Fabric to be exact - and notice that she had "Happy Stitching...Be Happy"...along with a smiley face sticker and the word "Thanks."

I share this because it also made me so happy. Barbara had no idea who she was sending this too...I was a first time customer. Will I shop with her again - I sure hope to. Will I recommend her to others, of course. She took a little extra time to bless me with my purchase and I'm thankful for that. 

Are you giving others your own version of His five star service? Beware...people really do notice, and they do appreciate it. 

Thanking you Barbara for your "happy" package...and the reminder that In God we still trust!

Happy stitching everyone and remember that God loves you and does bless you! 

In Barbara's words, "It's a beautiful day to be alive!" Go make someone's day!