Friday, November 29, 2013

The day after...Thanksgiving

I had a very blessed Thanksgiving...I spent it with Mr. Muffin, my pup, at the lake. More importantly, I spent it with God - our creator and it was breathtaking. Here's some of the peace, and calm that was in our day...
The morning was gloomy and hazy - which is something I've always enjoyed.

 Golden grasses and grey skies call to me!

 What a fabulous paint box He has...a swipe of gold here, some haze there, and a bit of ochre in front...why not, and a blob in the middle of it all with trees in various stages of dress?

 Can rocks be pretty? I thought their reflections were. The little sticks sticking up have a bit of ice on them. Yet, it wasn't that cold. Mirror shine indicates there wasn't a wisp of wind either.

 SWANS??? Yes! There were quite a few floatillas...they honk similar to a goose.

 Abstract, reflecting, fall, bending to winters call!

 Ice bumps? Look at the way they hug the trees...complete with air bubbles. Amazing. I was so enthralled with these that I totally missed the eagles! Yes...just about....

But God is so they are, three in a tree. I finally noticed them, but was so focused on the ice and the swans, I failed to notice triplicate - the Trinity perhaps? They were watching my glee with everything that was glittery and shiny. Which will be gone by next summer. I believe there is a parable about being careful of what we store lesson here was to pay attention!!!

 So simple - abstract - grasses covered with a sliver of ice. Sometimes less is more!

Ice jaws? Shiny, bubbly...yet it could be the buttonhole stitch if you view it with different eyes...
Lesson here...things aren't always as they appear to be.

As we were leaving to come home and enjoy our Thanksgiving feast, Mr. Muffin and I were given so much out here...fresh air, exercise, romping in a playground full of fascinating critters, His shiny, beautiful abstract art complete with a spectacular paint pallet - all things to be so thankful for.

Not to mention our meal was perfectly cooked by the time we got home and was delicious - something else to be thankful on our tables. Not near enough space to list all of our to share yours???

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oops...missed some days...Day 4

Today was a tough day - tougher than what I've had in a while and I'm thankful that it ended with a dinner out with friends. It was the best ending a person could have. Not to mention a meal that was totally a comfort, homemade, like moms!!!

And do you know what else I'm thankful for...laughter. At the table, we were laughing at the antics that shaped our day. It was fabulous that we were able to shed them with a laugh vs. coming home alone and cry or mope.

My motto is: God has a plan!  I'm so glad His plan included key people in my day today! All day long HE placed the right ones at the right time.
I'm also thankful that God will forgive me for not keeping up with these posts!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Things to be thankful for...Day 8

Have you ever considered your community? Your neighbors? Where you shop? The parks? Trails? Fishing holes? Where would we be without them? It takes an entire community to work together for it to prosper, grow and ultimately glow.

Think of the treasures that are in your community...of course, every treasure has a different value - but when you put the entire collection together, it pays off in ways we don't always know or understand. But here in our community, I'd like to think we're all very blessed!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things to be thankful for ... Day 9

We're counting down until Thanksgiving the things we're thankful for. On this day 9, I'm so thankful to the Lord for his blessing of my little cozy nest and all who live there. So may lessons - some hard, others scary, and some absolutely, truly enjoyable...happened at the nest.
I'm also thankful for family and friends who have helped to make the nest what it is today...truly remarkable people that are remembered every time I look around! Thank you and blessings to you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Things to be thankful for day 10

Have you ever considered how important the volunteers are in your community? Have you ever considered the risks they take or the family they leave behind while practicing to keep you and others safe? I'm thankful for the many hats our small community wears - and there are many different hats!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Things to be thankful for....

Thanksgiving will be here in 11 days...what are some of the things you're thankful for?
My goal is to post everyday for the next 11 days the things I'm most thankful for...won't you join me? Share what you're most thankful for!
I'm thankful that I'm saved...that Jesus has covered my scarlet sin and has made it white as snow! He has forgiven me for not being perfect - because only He is or ever could be.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God's hot, steamy, love notes....

Even when you don't know what He's up to...He'll offer you reassurance by the way of golden hope - see the golden heart at the left? It says HOPE!
Of course, HE always lets you know you're loved. How do you suppose that heart came to be on the hot, steamy, kitchen window?
It was His way of letting me know how cherished I really am - more than I'll ever know at a time I needed Him. You are always cherished more than you'll ever know too. ALWAYS remember that!