Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gold and God's promises...

Last summer we had lots of fires and we truly found out what was important - each other. Not our belongings - although Great Grandma's quilts, needlework and recipes are important in their own right.

Yesterday the call went out - one one of my other jobs is to take photographs, so I went. The fire wasn't bad - a lot of smoke really. But there was rain and lightning....which could cause even more fires. I decided to hit the road - sugar, sand, road - to get back to town. Here's what the Sandhills look like after a rain...and it was amazing.

Some of the most beautiful cloudscapes I've seen along with a double rainbow - God's promise.

This summer has been completely the opposite - not too hot. Moisture. Humidity - which is something not too common in the Sandhills area. But it's always better than fire. And most important - Gold!!! Yes, those round bales of hay the ranchers cut, rake and roll is gold for their livestock. How's this for something Gold at the end of the rainbow?

He's answered a lot of promises lately - not just for me but for family and friends. I'm eternally grateful my deer, deer Lord!!!
 Praying your summer is going well - and that you realize the prayers that He has answered for you as well. Because He's there and He does listen.
Thank YOU Lord.

If you're interested in visiting the Sandhills area, go to:

Meanwhile, what prayers has He answered for you lately?