Friday, November 29, 2013

The day after...Thanksgiving

I had a very blessed Thanksgiving...I spent it with Mr. Muffin, my pup, at the lake. More importantly, I spent it with God - our creator and it was breathtaking. Here's some of the peace, and calm that was in our day...
The morning was gloomy and hazy - which is something I've always enjoyed.

 Golden grasses and grey skies call to me!

 What a fabulous paint box He has...a swipe of gold here, some haze there, and a bit of ochre in front...why not, and a blob in the middle of it all with trees in various stages of dress?

 Can rocks be pretty? I thought their reflections were. The little sticks sticking up have a bit of ice on them. Yet, it wasn't that cold. Mirror shine indicates there wasn't a wisp of wind either.

 SWANS??? Yes! There were quite a few floatillas...they honk similar to a goose.

 Abstract, reflecting, fall, bending to winters call!

 Ice bumps? Look at the way they hug the trees...complete with air bubbles. Amazing. I was so enthralled with these that I totally missed the eagles! Yes...just about....

But God is so they are, three in a tree. I finally noticed them, but was so focused on the ice and the swans, I failed to notice triplicate - the Trinity perhaps? They were watching my glee with everything that was glittery and shiny. Which will be gone by next summer. I believe there is a parable about being careful of what we store lesson here was to pay attention!!!

 So simple - abstract - grasses covered with a sliver of ice. Sometimes less is more!

Ice jaws? Shiny, bubbly...yet it could be the buttonhole stitch if you view it with different eyes...
Lesson here...things aren't always as they appear to be.

As we were leaving to come home and enjoy our Thanksgiving feast, Mr. Muffin and I were given so much out here...fresh air, exercise, romping in a playground full of fascinating critters, His shiny, beautiful abstract art complete with a spectacular paint pallet - all things to be so thankful for.

Not to mention our meal was perfectly cooked by the time we got home and was delicious - something else to be thankful on our tables. Not near enough space to list all of our to share yours???

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oops...missed some days...Day 4

Today was a tough day - tougher than what I've had in a while and I'm thankful that it ended with a dinner out with friends. It was the best ending a person could have. Not to mention a meal that was totally a comfort, homemade, like moms!!!

And do you know what else I'm thankful for...laughter. At the table, we were laughing at the antics that shaped our day. It was fabulous that we were able to shed them with a laugh vs. coming home alone and cry or mope.

My motto is: God has a plan!  I'm so glad His plan included key people in my day today! All day long HE placed the right ones at the right time.
I'm also thankful that God will forgive me for not keeping up with these posts!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Things to be thankful for...Day 8

Have you ever considered your community? Your neighbors? Where you shop? The parks? Trails? Fishing holes? Where would we be without them? It takes an entire community to work together for it to prosper, grow and ultimately glow.

Think of the treasures that are in your community...of course, every treasure has a different value - but when you put the entire collection together, it pays off in ways we don't always know or understand. But here in our community, I'd like to think we're all very blessed!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things to be thankful for ... Day 9

We're counting down until Thanksgiving the things we're thankful for. On this day 9, I'm so thankful to the Lord for his blessing of my little cozy nest and all who live there. So may lessons - some hard, others scary, and some absolutely, truly enjoyable...happened at the nest.
I'm also thankful for family and friends who have helped to make the nest what it is today...truly remarkable people that are remembered every time I look around! Thank you and blessings to you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Things to be thankful for day 10

Have you ever considered how important the volunteers are in your community? Have you ever considered the risks they take or the family they leave behind while practicing to keep you and others safe? I'm thankful for the many hats our small community wears - and there are many different hats!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Things to be thankful for....

Thanksgiving will be here in 11 days...what are some of the things you're thankful for?
My goal is to post everyday for the next 11 days the things I'm most thankful for...won't you join me? Share what you're most thankful for!
I'm thankful that I'm saved...that Jesus has covered my scarlet sin and has made it white as snow! He has forgiven me for not being perfect - because only He is or ever could be.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God's hot, steamy, love notes....

Even when you don't know what He's up to...He'll offer you reassurance by the way of golden hope - see the golden heart at the left? It says HOPE!
Of course, HE always lets you know you're loved. How do you suppose that heart came to be on the hot, steamy, kitchen window?
It was His way of letting me know how cherished I really am - more than I'll ever know at a time I needed Him. You are always cherished more than you'll ever know too. ALWAYS remember that!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Second chances and do overs

I love photographing the wonders of our Lord...such as this full moon Friday. And it occurred to me that God is a God of second chances. He does believe in do overs. Why else would there be seam rippers?
Of course that is from a sewing sense...but in other things in life, He always offers us a chance to make our wrongs right. Ask HIM...have hope and believe!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Season of Prayer is now available!

The plants are putting on their fall coats and the insect world is preparing for the onslaught of winter by eating nectar provided to them by their Creator. It will give them the energy they need for the long voyage they have ahead of them. Did you know butterflies travel from the northern USA all the way to the very southern part of the USA? They're not hibernators. They are wonderful to watch flit from flower to flower. 

Do you ever have the feeling that you're flitting from one thing to the next? Maybe you're not but someone you know is? That's where Psalm 32:8 is helpful..."I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."

There are times when we too need a bit of energy for our voyage - that's what On a Wing and a Prayer is all about. If our God and Savior will watch over the migration of the earth’s butterflies...will HE not watch over us who are so valuable to Him? Have faith I remind you, your loved ones, and myself as well...for we are LOVED greatly and He is watching!

 This rustic elegant pillow panel will fit on the Seasons of Faith Pillow Pattern sold separately at: 

Thanksgiving isn't too far away, and this would make a wonderful gift or display. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gold and God's promises...

Last summer we had lots of fires and we truly found out what was important - each other. Not our belongings - although Great Grandma's quilts, needlework and recipes are important in their own right.

Yesterday the call went out - one one of my other jobs is to take photographs, so I went. The fire wasn't bad - a lot of smoke really. But there was rain and lightning....which could cause even more fires. I decided to hit the road - sugar, sand, road - to get back to town. Here's what the Sandhills look like after a rain...and it was amazing.

Some of the most beautiful cloudscapes I've seen along with a double rainbow - God's promise.

This summer has been completely the opposite - not too hot. Moisture. Humidity - which is something not too common in the Sandhills area. But it's always better than fire. And most important - Gold!!! Yes, those round bales of hay the ranchers cut, rake and roll is gold for their livestock. How's this for something Gold at the end of the rainbow?

He's answered a lot of promises lately - not just for me but for family and friends. I'm eternally grateful my deer, deer Lord!!!
 Praying your summer is going well - and that you realize the prayers that He has answered for you as well. Because He's there and He does listen.
Thank YOU Lord.

If you're interested in visiting the Sandhills area, go to:

Meanwhile, what prayers has He answered for you lately?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Love is patient...1 Corinthians 13:4-8...Happy Mother's Day

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails.

Mother's Day will be upon us this May 12. Was your mother a saintly woman flying around the house with gossamer wings humming a sweet melody? Mine wasn't either. 

And as a mother I sure wasn't either. Such as life. We're all imperfect beings trying to make it in an imperfect world. 

BUT you are who you ARE today because of, or in some cases, in spite of, your mother.  

The Good Book instructs: Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

And our Lord is very giving. He is very forgiving. Our Lord is LOVE.

I do love my mother very much yet I've procrastinated in making her birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, everything-for-the-last-few-years gift.

I made these purses for myself more than 15 years ago for my childrens' weddings. (None of whom have ever gotten married, by the way.)

This is the first one...

 This is the second one....

This is the third one  - I had intended on three weddings; one for each of my boys.

My mom always wanted one. So did my very, very, very, deer friend. Through the years, my deer friend has hinted oh so delicately on "really wanting a purse like you made..."

And that's what love is all about.

 Her flavor is a little more primitive...rustic...but I added a hint of elegance to the subdued, yet rich fall colors along with an old, knotted, jade necklace for the handle.

 Obviously, my friend got hers first...

It is now my mother's turn. How did this post begin? Love is patient...
Think of all the ways your mother was patient with you growing up. Or not. Here's hoping you can return love to her and to your children...real or furry (dogs and cats, and birds, and critters all count).

It is now my mother's turn.  She is kind...does not boast and is not self-seeking. She is not easily angered.
So I'm trusting that I can - AND WILL - get this done before the next snow fall.
Our last snow fall was Wednesday May 1...I took this photo that day which shows a mothers love so perfectly.

So, my deer ones, may you have a very happy Mother's Day because Love never fails! And it is the best gift there is...ALWAYS. I love you mom!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


There's nothing worse than not feeling with it. Feeling frozen out. 
But the neat thing is that it doesn't matter because Jesus loves you ALWAYS!!! 
 And here's the part that will set you free!!! Jesus loves you because of what's in your heart!!! Not how big your bank account is or isn't. Not because of who you hang around with or who you don't. Nor does He really care how immaculate your home is. He cares most about the love in your heart!!!

Here it is, Holy Week and that should have you feeling pretty ducky! 
Why? Because He died for you and me to live life to the fullest!!! 
So if you feel frozen, or left out...or know someone who does, remember YOU'RE LOVED!!!
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, 
shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

The Prayer Pet Pattern, YOU'RE LOVED will be available soon!! 
Look for it on or 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fear's Valentine's Day~

I absolutely LOVE this scripture and was playing with typography - it is artfully designed. 
This scripture means so much to me, not for just everyday life, but also while tackling the creative process.  Not every stitcher is right handed, but the implication is that the Lord will help us and we need not fear the process - whatever it is. 
Having a crew over for Valentine's Day? Fear Not...He's there to help you. Deciding on whether to send that person a card...or not...Fear Not, He will help you in that decision. Overwhelmed that you don't have a special love? Fear Not...He loves you more than you'll ever know - just as you are!!! 
Freaked out about bills? Fear Not...He's there to help you through the darkest of valleys, all the while holding your right hand. 
You will make it to the mountain top! And He'll still be holding your hand. What a comfort!
So then, be brave, all the while knowing that He'll be helping you in your endeavors - He will help you in creating the perfect gift for your loved one with patterns from Fear Not Pattern Co...even if at this particular moment it's you. Because HE loves you that much.
So Fear Not and enjoy the creative process. 
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fully Rely On God....FROG!

It's a new year and today it was a balmy 55 degrees and we're still praying for moisture here in the Midwest. While it's beautiful, I opened the windows to let some of the nice in and the stale out.
And that's what HE does for us when we have faith and Fully Rely On GOD.
The First Baptist Church, located in Valentine, NE, requested permission to make the Fully Rely On God pattern for their shut-ins and college students.
The put together this display after having a work day making the frogs. What a clever idea! And what wonderful, colorful, frogs and with such endearing expressions.

Welcoming the parishioners in the vestibule of the First Baptist Church
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble! Psalms 46:1; How's that for a reminder to Fully Rely On all our circumstances.

What creativity and color!!!

What expressions!
What if we ALL Fully Relied On God?
Edna was in charge of coordinating the project and gathered these pages for the kids to color as cards to be included in with the Frogs as"Gifts of Love."There are also sheets that show the ids how to draw a frog and other scriptures that go with the theme: We love because He first loves us, 1 John 4:19; Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart, Psalm 37:4; The LORD watches over all who love Him, Psalm 145:20; God is our refuge and strength, An ever-present help in trouble, Psalm, 46.1...which brings us back to trusting our Lord and Savior!

Is your church helping shut-ins? Would you be interested in using Fear Not Pattern Co patterns? Please let me know and e-mail me at! Have you used Fear Not Pattern Co patterns, please share them and I would be happy to feature them on the blog!!