Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Psalm 56.8 The Lord knows....EVERYTHING!

There's a change in the season...it changes emotions. Some are happy, others sad. Some look beyond this day to the winter to come and become cold and bitter.
 Still, others rejoice at winter, along with the cold winds...to some, they find it refreshing.
No matter what season you're in, the Lord already knows. Tears of sadness, hopelessness, or sorrow are collected in His bottle. As tears fall down your face, imagine the King of kings, with His arm around you, collecting all your tears and emptying them into a bottle only He has.
His peace and comfort are there for you.
And after your tears are gone...you will feel refreshed. Knowing He was there to hold you and offer you Peace only as He can.
As the waterfalls each new drop will get you wet...but there is refreshment if you look at sorrows
in His light, with His might, and most of all, His Peace!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


There's clouds in the background...storms ahead? Or are they there to shield your eyes from the glaring sun? Or simply to show you the color palette he's selected for the sky that day. 
It doesn't matter which of these He's selected, but when you encounter HIS "cones" of detour, know He has a plan for you. He knows what's up ahead. He knows who you will or won't come into contact with. Trust His cones...with joy. Be thankful for the detour. You may never know what you missed, but you can count your blessings that He has a plan for your joy and peace!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cloudy Days are His Hugs!

How do you feel when the clouds roll in? Has it ever occurred to you that it's God's way of giving you a hug? Think about how much slower life seems to get when its cloudy. 
The kids come in and are near. The shadows don't rush you along with projects you're working on. 
Even the food you're cooking takes on a different flavor - richer. 
Out here in the Sandhills, clouds don't roll in frequently. It's somewhat of a rare occurrence. 
Not everyone enjoys them. But today, they were welcomed...it was as if God himself had totally embraced me - and blew me a kiss with the winds that were kicked up!
And the moisture that came was a blessing.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Valleys of life offer more than we know!

We're led by commercialism to believe that we have to strive for that brass ring, be number one...just do it...and there's nothing wrong for going for your dreams! 
God has given you many of those dreams and desires - to glorify HIM. 
That's why it's so important to remember those in the valley's of life. 
Compassion goes a long way, so does being thankful for what you do, and who you have, in your life right now. Including your own valley! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jesus Rocks!

How many times a day do you tell Jesus how much HE rocks? You got the parking spot...your shirt was on sale...you remembered to put checks in your check book...mowing wasn't so hard...that difficult conversation went better than planned...you did lose a pound or two...
Have you ever looked up at the heavens - the very stars HE spoke into being, and said, "Jesus, you rock!"? Because, were it not for Jesus, some of those tasks may not have been so pleasant. 
Jesus Rocks in ways we don't even know. 
Let HIM know how much you appreciate HIM and all HE's done for you!